Although you may know the major names for many illegal drugs, the drug nicknames for these substances may not be as recognizable. Knowing the common street names for drugs as well as a little bit about them can be extremely useful, especially if you believe someone you love is suffering from drug addiction and may need treatment. At Clearbrook Massachusetts and Clearbrook Pennsylvania, we have heard it all. We want to educate you on the street names for common drugs like heroin, cocaine, meth, and prescription drugs, so you’re prepared to recognize addiction and potentially help a loved one get sober.
Common Street Names for Drugs
Below is a list of the most commonly abused drugs’ street names and the effects they produce.
Common cocaine street names include:
- Rock
- Blow
- Coke
- Powder
- White Horse
- Candy
- Snow
- Bump
- Charlie
Cocaine Side Effects: A stimulant, cocaine can increase heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, and metabolism. It can give you extra energy and alertness. It can also cause loss of appetite, anxiety, tremors, paranoia, and psychosis. Knowing the cocaine street names listed above can help you determine if your loved one is using this drug.
Slang terms for marijuana include:
- Weed
- Chronic
- Bud
- Mary Jane
- Pot
- Grass
- Herb
- Reefer
- Ganja
Marijuana Side Effects: Marijuana can cause euphoria, relaxation, sensory distortion, anxiety, increase in appetite and heart rate, and possible paranoia. Marijuana has some of the most widely used street names for drugs.
Slang for heroin includes nicknames like:
- Smack
- Dope
- Dragon
- China White
- H or Big H
- Junk
- Skunk
Heroin Side Effects: A depressant, heroin can cause users to experience euphoria or drowsiness. It may also cause slurred speech, impaired vision, and constricted pupils. Because of possible serious withdrawal symptoms, a proper heroin addiction rehab will include a medical detox. Knowing common heroin street names can help you get your loved one vital treatment.
Crystal meth slang terms include:
- Crystal or Crystal Meth
- Meth
- Ice
- Crank
- Speed
- Glass
Methamphetamine Side Effects: A stimulant with effects very similar to cocaine, meth can cause serious mental health problems such as depression, violent behavior, psychosis, and suicide. You should seek out our meth detox center immediately. If you hear your loved one using these street names for meth, it’s important to get them help for sobriety.
Prescription Drugs/Opioids
Slang terms for prescription drugs in the opioid drug class include:
- Oxy
- OC
- Blues
- Zanny Bars
Opioid Side Effects: Similar to heroin, opioids can cause sedation, dizziness, nausea, mental confusion, drowsiness, constipation, and respiratory depression. Because of the various pills out there, proper prescription drug addiction treatment is the safest way to combat this addiction.
Common nicknames for benzodiazepines include:
- Bars
- Benzos
- Blue Footballs
- Handlebars
- Zanny Bars
- Zannies or Xannies
Benzodiazepine Side Effects: Benzodiazepines are a class of prescription drugs, also known as benzos, used to treat anxiety disorders. These sedative prescription drugs are abused by users who are looking for a “downer” that will calm them or bring effects similar to opioids.
Synthetic Marijuana
Synthetic marijuana slang terms include:
- Spice
- K2
- Salvia
- Chronic
Synthetic Marijuana Side Effects: Similar to marijuana, spice can also cause sudden stints of hyperactivity, angry outbursts, physical aggression, panic attacks, hallucinations, altered perceptions, seizures, and heart attacks.
Bath Salts
Bath salts slang names include:
- Bombing
- Salt
- White Lightning
Bath Salts Side Effects: A stimulant, bath salts can cause rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, panic attacks, sleep-deprivation psychosis, euphoria, anxiety, dilated pupils, teeth grinding, liver and kidney failure, loss of bowel control, and even death. Get help immediately.
Typical ecstasy street names include:
- Molly
- E
Ecstasy Side Effects: Ecstasy can cause euphoria, emotional warmth, empathy, decreased anxiety, restlessness, irritability, impulsiveness, lack of appetite, aggression, nausea, sweating, muscle cramping, heart and kidney failure, and arrhythmia. Ecstasy street names are often heard in party settings where use is prevalent.
Suboxone slang terms include:
- Subs
- Bupe
- Boxes
Suboxone Side Effects: Suboxone may be used to treat heroin addiction. It can cause sleeping problems, cold or flu symptoms, hair loss, apathy, nausea, and respiratory suppression. Some people may also suffer from suboxone withdrawal.
Club Drugs
Common street names for club drugs include:
- Ecstasy
- Molly
- Special K
- K
- Roofies
- Speed
- Ice
- Meth
- Acid
- Dots
- Mellow Yellow
- Window Pane
- Beans
- Adams
Club Drugs Side Effects: Club drugs are a group of psychoactive drugs that act on the central nervous system and can cause changes in mood, perception, and behavior. These drugs are usually used by young adults at bars, concerts, parties, and nightclubs, hence their name. Common types of club drugs include ecstasy (MDMA), GHB, Rohypnol, methamphetamine, and LSD.
What to Do If Your Loved One Is Saying Common Drug Street Names
Do you recognize some of these street names for drugs? If you suspect that your loved one is abusing one or more of these drugs, you should get them to help immediately with our medically monitored detox in PA or MA.
We will safely wean their body off of the drugs before providing individualized therapies and programs designed to create long-term sobriety success. Do not hesitate to get your loved one the professional help they need.
Contact Clearbrook Treatment Centers today for more information about our addiction services in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.