Employee Substance Abuse Treatment

As the boss, you have many responsibilities. You need to worry about budgets, marketing, managing a team, and the day-to-day operations of the company. Essentially, you have the entire future of the company to look over, but there are times when it is hard to know where your job ends. It is natural for employees to become stressed, but when this stress develops into a substance abuse problem, you have a big problem on your hands. Not only is addiction difficult for the individual, but when someone is an employee, their drug or alcohol abuse can impact the company’s future and the future of its other employees, as well. If you want to support one of your team members in their sobriety, our Clearbrook rehab facilities offer an employee substance abuse treatment program that can help.

How to Tell if an Employee Is on Drugs

As the boss, you have many responsibilities. You need to worry about budgets, marketing, managing a team, and the day-to-day operations of the company. Essentially, you have the entire future of the company to oversee, but there are times when it is hard to know where your job ends. It is natural for employees to become stressed, but when this stress develops into a substance abuse problem, you have a big problem on your hands. Not only is addiction difficult for the individual, but when someone is an employee, their drug or alcohol abuse can impact the company’s future and the future of its other employees, as well.

Instead of investing money in new hires, recruiting, and training, consider focusing your resources on those you already know are hardworking and dedicated. Supporting existing employees in their recovery can foster loyalty and build a stronger, more resilient team. If you want to support one of your team members in their sobriety, our Clearbrook rehab facilities offer an employee substance abuse treatment program that can help.

Common signs of drug and alcohol use at work and in employees to watch out for include:

  • Frequent absences and tardiness: People who suffer from drug or alcohol abuse will often spend much time trying to obtain these substances and recovering from their side effects. For instance, an employee with alcoholism may call in sick regularly to recover from hangovers. These employees may also take longer lunch breaks or arrive late to work to spend that time buying or using drugs.
  • Reduced work performance: Employees who struggle with addiction will often start to miss deadlines or become less productive at work. This can occur for several reasons, such as being high, feeling ill from the effects of drugs, being intoxicated, or being preoccupied during work hours with obtaining or using these substances.
  • Abrupt mood swings: Employees, especially the ones who were usually quiet or would get along well with everyone, may have sudden angry outbursts or start lying about work-related problems due to substance use. They may seem fine one moment and then irritable or over-excited the next. Drugs interact with the brain in ways that can lead to unpredictable behavior. This can be especially dangerous in jobs where the employees are working with heavy machinery.
  • Frequent illnesses and health problems: Drug abuse and drinking can contribute to or worsen various physical and mental health problems. Persistent flu-like symptoms, dental issues, fluctuations in weight, and gastrointestinal issues are some of the most common physical health problems that people with addictions experience. Substance abuse can also lead to or worsen mental illness, including depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia.
  • Poor physical hygiene: Those who use drugs or drink often tend to neglect their physical hygiene and appearance. This usually occurs due to extreme tiredness, ignorance, and prioritizing getting high or drunk above essential tasks like showering, brushing teeth, and doing laundry. An employee with personal hygiene that has suddenly declined or who frequently comes into work looking disheveled may be suffering from an addiction.
  • Increased financial problems: Substance abuse can take a toll on a person’s wallet, regardless of how much money they make. It’s common for people with substance use disorders to experience financial problems like growing debt, overdue bills, and legal fees associated with drug-related offenses. In these cases, the employee may frequently ask for paycheck advances, 401K withdrawals, raises, and loans.

If you notice these signs of drug or alcohol use in an employee, our corporate recovery program at Clearbrook Treatment Centers offers services like medically monitored detox, inpatient care, and even aftercare services to support them through every step of their recovery.

Benefits of Rehab for Working Professionals

Full-time employees with high-stress jobs are at risk of developing a drug or alcohol addiction. Some career professionals are more prone to substance abuse than others, such as:

  • Attorneys
  • Building Trades
  • Custodial Work
  • Executives
  • Farming
  • Firefighters
  • First Responders
  • Maintenance
  • Manufacturing
  • Mechanics
  • Mining
  • Nurses
  • Oil Field
  • Physicians
  • Transportation
  • Warehousing

Additionally, our drug and alcohol rehab for professionals offers various benefits, including:

  • A dedicated phone line with 24/7 support
  • A smoother transition back into the workforce after treatment
  • A supportive community after rehab
  • Access to online work communication
  • Building stronger communication between the employer and the employee
  • Clearbrook’s assistance with paperwork (FMLA, Unions, and Human Resources)
  • Intensive and extremely focused, short-term treatment
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Privacy
  • Treatment from licensed professionals

Drug Addiction Employee Rights to Know About

When you are a supervisor, it’s normal to worry about what to do if you suspect an employee is on drugs. You may wonder whether it’s your place to step in. There is a proper way to go about getting an employee addiction treatment, starting with familiarizing yourself with drug addiction employee rights. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specifically permits employers to ensure that the workplace is free from the illegal use of drugs and the use of alcohol and to comply with other federal laws and regulations regarding drug and alcohol use. The ADA also provides limited protection from discrimination for recovering drug abusers and for alcoholics.1

According to the ADA, below is an overview of the current legal obligations for employers and employees regarding substance abuse treatment and employment:1

  • An employer may discharge or deny employment to someone who currently engages in illicit drug use.
  • An employer may not discriminate against a person who has a history of drug addiction but who is not currently using drugs and has been rehabilitated.
  • An employer may prohibit the illegal use of drugs and alcohol at the workplace.
  • An individual who is currently engaging in illegal drug use is not an individual with a disability when the employer acts on the basis of their substance abuse.
  • Employees may be required to follow the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and rules set by federal agencies pertaining to substance abuse in the workplace.
  • Employees who use drugs or alcohol may be required to meet the same standards of performance and conduct that are set for other employees.
  • It is not a violation of the ADA for an employer to perform employee drug screening for illicit drug use.

Our corporate rehab program for addiction is a unique service offered at both Clearbrook locations. The program is designed to help employers get their employees the treatment they need so they can recover their health and their position at the company. Our facilities in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts can aid your employee in the process of removing the toxic substances from their body while also helping them make necessary changes so that they can return to work and back to their normal lives.

Rehab for Employee Substance Abuse

Our Northeast addiction treatment centers offer employee substance abuse treatment via our corporate recovery program to help bosses support employees who are struggling with addiction so they can reenter the workforce drug and alcohol free. At both our Massachusetts and Pennsylvania rehabs, we recognize these trends and provide treatment tailored to these individuals.  

Whether your employee drinks too much or requires prescription drug addiction treatment, let our expert staff step in. To combat substance use and help employees return to work, we offer various levels of addiction treatment that gradually guide them to sobriety.

To determine the best treatment plan for the patient, our team conducts a clinical assessment. This assessment determines the severity of the person’s addiction, the state of their physical and mental health, and more. For patients who are not medically stable, detox is the first step.

Medically assisted detox offers 24-hour care and the gradual tapering of drugs and alcohol to help clients safely recover from withdrawals and cravings. Once the individual is medically stable, they can then move on to the various therapies offered in our residential level of care, such as group therapy with peers and individual sessions with a counselor who is often trained to handle the specific concerns associated with your industry.  

Get Started Today

If you suspect that one of your employees has a drug or alcohol problem, step in. Otherwise, work productivity may decline, and costly mistakes could be made while they are under the influence. Do not let their addiction lead to negative consequences for your company or other employees. Our addiction treatment facilities may be able to help them get their life back in order so they can once again be a productive and healthy member of society.

Don’t wait. Contact Clearbrook Treatment Centers or call us today at (800) 582-6241 to get started on your journey to a sober life today.